Culture OC will thrive thanks to community members like you. By supporting our nonprofit newsroom, you help us grow our team and keep our local stories free to read for all of Orange County.
We are grateful to the individuals and foundations that make the work of Culture OC possible and are proud to list our supporters. You can become a supporter by donating today!
“Arts and culture journalism matters because the arts matter. Journalism should reflect all facets of society, not just the parts that will garner clicks/revenue. Having nonprofit arts journalism should show the world that the arts are not a ‘nice to have’ but a critical part of making our community a healthy, prosperous, and worthwhile place to live.
These are our Founding Supporters. The first 500 donors to give in support of Culture OC are part of an elite group we call —
Because Culture OC evolved out of our work at Voice of OC, we have included the names of those who donated to our arts and culture journalism since we began in 2018.
We have 168 names and organizations on the list so far.
We still have room to add yours!
Wylie A Aitken
Suzanne Appel
Anaheim Ballet
Marco Anderson
Mike Anderson
Arts Orange County
Association of Designers
and Artists
Payal Kumar Avellan
Janice Badgley
Randy Baker
Paul Banagas
Mike Bebb
Karen Book
Bowers Museum
Christine Boyd
Brea Gallery
Divya Breed
Judith Brower
Barbara Bruin
Cecily Burke
Stephanie Butler
Michele Cardon
Dennis Castellano
Chance Theater
Richard Chang
Steve Chapin
Chemers Gallery
Katherine Chidester
Denise Chilcote
Jeffrey Coleman
Cynthia Corley
Tina Cremer
Patricia Delaunay
Scott Duncan
Lucetta Dunn
Karen DuVall
Zen Edwards
Zina Edwards
Linda Ellinor
Zenthia Everett
Jeanne Favreau
Festival of Arts of
Laguna Beach​​
​​Festival Ballet Theatre
Douglas K. Freeman
Rachel Forman
John Forsyte
Kedric Francis
Christina Garner
Jessamyn Garner
Diana Ghoukassian
Thomas Gibson
Blake and Char Gould
Jill Grabowski
Julie Ha
David Hamdorf
Kathy Harris
Julie Hatoff
Sue Henger
Karen Hernandez
Mark Hilbert
Hilbert Museum of
California Art
Hoag Foundation
Paul Hodgins
The Honarkar Foundation
Susan Hori
Michael Hornak
Jonathan Hubbell
Judith Hutton
Ann J Irvine
Irvine Barclay Theatre
Evette Jaeger
Heide Janssen
Joe & Elaine Janssen
Alex and Kay Kaplan
Jerold Kappel
Mike Kerr and Jenny Backhaus
Venus Kitagawa-Stojsic
Lauren Klein
Melody Kneale
Peter Koch
Nick Kremer
Laguna Dance Festival
Mary Langsdorf
David Lieberman​​
Lawrence Light
Casey Long
Julia Lupton
Molly Lynch
Mary Lyons
Lyric Opera of Orange County
Edward Mace
Jerry Mandel
Kay Marcantonio
Jeffrey Martin
Deborah Mayhew
Molly McClanahan
Barbara McMurray
Paul McNeff
Media Arts Santa Ana
Linda Mendelsohn
Tracie Metzner
Harish Murthy
Lucina Moses
Cindy Murphy
Robbi Nester
Newport Beach Film Festival
Todd Nicholson
Tammy Noreyko
Cynthia O'Dell
Jean Oelrich
Orange County Community
Pacific Chorale
Pacific Symphony
Michael Pang
Mario & Norma Panoringan
Joanne Payne
Kathy Peale
Marlene Peña-Marin
Daniel Pietenpol
Mary Platt
Joan Podrow
Pretend City Children's Museum
Rick Reiff
Robin Repp
Rose Foundation
Rubin Institute of Music Criticism
Amanda Santana
​Lisa Schultz
Mona Shah
Don & Sally Anne Sheridan
Sally Simmons
Segerstrom Center for the Arts
Six Toes Studio
Soka Performing Arts Center
Steven Sorenson
South Coast Repertory
Genevieve Southgate
Andrew Spencer
Angela Stecher
Richard and Elizabeth Steele
Endowment Fund
Richard and Alison Stein
Alex "Alx" Stojsic
Mary Stradling
Dahlia Straight
Alison Tam
JoLane Thomas
Brendan Timpane
David Todd
Paula Tomei
Christopher Trela
Anne Valedespino
Voice of OC
Hao-Nhien Vu
Jon Wagner
Theresa Walker
John Webb
Courtney Widerman
Carrie William Freitas
Cory Winter
Barbara Wise
The Wooden Floor
Debora Wondercheck
Brad Wright
Kaitlin Wright
Jane Fujishige Yada
The Emma and Adam Zhu
Joyce Zohar
We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.
Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.
We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics and special projects. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that operates as a public trust, we do not pay certain taxes. We may receive funds from standard government programs offered to nonprofits or similar businesses.
Our news judgments are made independently – not based on or influenced by donors or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.
We make public all revenue sources and donors who give $5,000 or more per year. As a news nonprofit, we avoid accepting charitable donations from anonymous sources, government entities, political parties, elected officials or candidates seeking public office. We will not accept donations from sources who, deemed by our board of directors, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence.